Boston-based photographer Kelly Conlin began his photographic journey in the 1970s, when he borrowed his father's  35mm Kodak Retinette, built a basement dark room and started a photography business while in high school. He charged $1.80 to develop a roll of Tri-X (the circa 1975 price list is here), and was aided by the ever useful Kodak Photoguide  and a subscription to Petersons Photographic magazine.

Kodak Retinette 35mm folding camera with Schneider 50mm Reomar lens, Prontor SV shutter, circa 1951. Various versions of this camera were manufactured between 1939 and 1966.

A 1975 special issue of Petersons Photographic, featuring freelance photographer Gary Miller

After college, photography was set aside for a career in media and technology. (As things turned out, one of his jobs was CEO of the company that published Photographic, along with 350 other enthusiast magazines.) Following the pandemic, he bought his first DSLR and tried his hand at photography again. "It's a bit like going home, but learning a whole new way to get there."

Selected Exhibitions and Recognition

56th Annual Plymouth Center for the Arts juried show, 2nd Place Photography

Main Street Arts "Small Works" juried show

A Smith Gallery "Colors" juried show

Photo Place Gallery "Poetry of the Ordinary" juried show

Mistlin Gallery "Celebration of the Arts" juried show

Photo Place Gallery "Monochrome" juried show

Praxis Gallery, "Open Theme" juried show

The Curated Fridge, 2024 Winter Show

Photographic Resource Center "Your Works Here" annual exhibit

Griffin Museum of Photography "Winter Solstice" annual exhibit

ND Magazine 2023 photography awards, Honorable Mention

Lens Culture "Editors' Pick" 2024 Art Photography Awards

Photographic Society of America -- Merit Award

PISPA -- Paris International Street Photography Awards 2023 --Bronze (3rd Place) in Street Fashion Photography.....Honorable Mentions in other categories including Road Trip, Urban Love and Urban Street Art.

NYC4PA -- New York Center for Photographic Art -- 2nd Place in the "Colors of the Commonplace" juried show

"One of the many rewards of street photography is the connection you make--however brief--between photographer and subject. It can be explicit or implicit, a long conversation or a fleeting glance, sometimes even surreptitious, but it results in a connection preserved. The privilege of capturing the lives around us." Havana, 2023.



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